Christina R. Griffin, Ph.D., Psy.D. , is a Psychoanalyst and Clinical Psychologist practicing in Southern California. She has been a Board Member of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education (IFPE) and Co-chair of the History of Psychoanalysis Committee. She has co-chaired IFPE conferences, in Portland, San Francisco and Philadelphia. In 2018, she will be Co-President of IFPE. She is a Supervising and Training Analyst at the Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. She is a Supervisor and Adjunct Faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She is a member of the International Sandor Ferenczi Network. Her writing interests are in genres of literary creative non-fiction, memoir and essay, drawing from the cultural and relational aspects of psychoanalytic history.
Degree | Major | School | Year |
Ph.D. | Health Sciences - Psychology | University of Utah | 1980 |