You've heard it since you were a kid. "Handle it on your own. Suck it up. Be a man." So that's what you do... and it works until it doesn't. Bottling it all up can lead to feeling on edge all the time, unhealthy coping strategies (overworking, drinking, isolation), and disconnection from our most important relationships. You're doing what you were told and taught, but it's become a battle you can't seem to win on your own. Emotions are an essential part of a healthy life. They inform us, protect us, and empower us to change. I help my clients process the feelings they've bottled up, which leads us to identifying informed solutions so they can move past the struggle. I am specialized in men's mental health but I'm happy to work with any client who resonates with my approach. I believe finding a therapist who is a good fit is crucial, but I also know that searching for the right therapist can feel daunting. I offer a free 15-minute phone call before your first therapy session to share more about my therapy process and to briefly discuss your therapy goals. I regularly work with clients who are trying therapy for the first time.
Degree | Major | School | Year |
PhD | Counseling Psychology | University of Oregon | 2016 |
Association | Website |
PSYPACT Commission | |
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